Well, this post is dedicated to all like-minded people (comparison with me.. ) !
Earlier this year, July to be precise, I was totally confused whether or not to take the GRE.
My preparation sucked ( on a serious note, i don't think its wise of me to call what i had accomplished a preparation...) and i really wasn't sure whether i knew what i wanted to do in the US.
So, what did i do??
I pretty much bugged a lot of my friends about it and finally concluded that i wasn't ready for MS.
Come NoV2007, the great KoD extends PS, reasons being i)being in cisco will definitely help in the CCNA prep and ii)yoyo stipend :D [ok now, i know what u r thinking... reason ii should be i and .... nah seriously, it ain't!!) So i start preparing for it and finish a book, and that's when I actually check what the portion is on the website. I knew that the pattern had changed and some extra stuff was included now.. but oh my gawd! I see they haven't added stuff, they have actually taken some higher certification and removed stuff from it.
So, there I am, devastated, wondering why i do this to myself... damn, I had actually completed a book which was worth a few 100 pages in the new books prescribed for CCNA.. And I have got some 1 and half books to finish within 2 weeks !! I really should mention here that Wendell Odom ( author of CCNA book - btw he really rox ) is making a fortune by publishing new books, every time the pattern changes!! So, as usual, i whack my brains and finally after a few days, conclude "lite kod, its ok .. u have not booked ccna nah, u learnt from having to cancel ur gre date.. good work!! And, yeah, why attempt a test when you haven't even prepared for it..?"
I feel like killing myself ( Nah, that was just exaggerating :P ) . Seriously, i gotta get a hold of myself. I haven't given a single test this entire ps, while people have cleared 2-3 hurdles at the same time. I always felt i was an optimist, by using the Take Light policy at college. Now i really feel that i don't have belief in my own abilities. Really sucks big time..!!
So, that 's why i have posted this here, maybe some fellow Lite candidates may face this situation. Lol, i haven't given the "advice" part yet.. Try to believe that you can do it, and do it..
and if you don't succeed, don't blame me for that [:P]
Chalo thats enough of all this crap, lemme get back to my usual lite life..Ciao!