It doesn't matter if the time zone here is 10 odd hours behind India, time just flies away. I still can't get to terms with the fact that the Spring semester is getting over.. a bunch of deadlines this week to meet, and I'm done! And there isn't the "Yay! Finally done with it.. " kinda feeling at all. There is something about striking a balance that I just can't get a grip of.
The 'Work hard, Party harder' , 'Work while you work, play while you play' thingy has just eluded me completely. I see some of my friends here stick to a schedule.. for a start, wake up early enough, get to work and get done with it by the evening. And then, go back home, relax and spend time on other things that they enjoy. The wake-up-early part is just unfathomably tough; I'd rather do a night out to be awake early enough than go to bed by midnight. There is no concept of work while you work, or rather no meaning of 'work'. I do what I feel like, and if I don't want to do something, I don't make much of an effort to do it. What happens eventually is that the crappy work that has to be done just gets piled on, and finally the day comes when you have to absolutely slog it out in bitter disgust.

Ok, I have no clue where I'm going with this post.. I seem to be rambling randomly in my blog off-late, so may be, the time is ripe for another attempt at some amateur poetry..
Oh time, you freaking loner,
Won't you slow down, I'm a goner!
Hours, days and weeks.. they just get over..
And now, all I can do is but ponder
The wise bray 'time and tide wait for no man'
But I say who gives a dime when sleep is sublime..
Only to be disturbed by the dreaded chime
When the hour hand reaches nine..
That perfect dream, no longer mine
Oh time, you bloody slime!
As you can see, I'm trying to rhyme..
Its really easy 'coz i_dont_whine
That's one of my Garena nicks,
To give the n00bs a big kick!
You don't follow, you say?
Go to the gallows, I'll show you the way..
I feel the same way man. Like something's missing. I could have done much better..that self-satisfaction is missing and it's killing me!
@Tush @Goa
the feeling is mutual!
LOL tush and ~Cat :D
@tush, i can understand that, hopefully over summer things get better..
@cat, you tho are godlike.. no comments.
well put raja..poetry to describe sumin that's not in poetry sums up the story on my side too .. I listen to a song called 'bitter sweet symphony' and the lines I can change..I can change.I can...are the only ones that register..
@~Cat - you slog like a ~Dog and then come here and make fun of others :D
@Raja: I hope ~Cat = Koul :D
I like! Randomness is in perfect harmony with nature! ;)
ok..can't help but post a baghavad gita comment here ..its kind of a phrase i think we all connect with a lot..arjuna tells krishna: " The mind verily is restless, turbulent, strong and unyielding, O Krishna! I deem it as difficult to control as to control the wind."Not that i know much about gita.. but used to read gita during school days..this verse is one of the few, i won't forget for the rest of my life !
@pari, thanks!
@vasanth, hmm, i'm not sure what to say =)
KISSofLIF3 on dc??
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