Nov 22, 2009

Intermission - Lessons from Amrika

Being my extremely innovative self, I'm proposing having intermissions in blogging as well. As if Google Adsense wasn't enough..! This post is going to be all about promoting Insomnium.
.............................. I N S O M N I U M ........................
In case you didn't close the window (which I know you didn't as you just love Insomnium and hate to admit it as it makes me feel good about myself :P), I caught you with my classic joke. As Sheldon says, "BAZZINGA"!
So now that the ever-so-funny prank is over, let me resume from where I left off last time.
The first week I was here, I couldn't help but admire the greenery all around. So many freaking trees. It makes up for the global warming caused by the obscene size of the cars (?) people drive around here. Actually, I'll deviate a bit here since this is to be some kind of intermission.

I don't quite believe in this 'global warming'. I'm heavily influenced by the capitalistic nature of US, wherein the hype created upon some new tragedy to me is more to do with the green bills (read money) than anything else. I don't know why I'm like this, but then that is me, and Insomnium is just awesome, and nothing else matters in life, does it :P? [muahaha, u wish u cud kill me don'ya?]
So, what I feel is, like some people who oppose the whole global warming thingy, that the 'polar ice caps' melting, the sea level increasing has been happening all the while the earth has existed. We just never noticed it because we didn't have the technology and devices to measure all this a century back. And its just that some people have such great insight into making this a new technology called 'Go Green', where green stands for the US $ bill. Sure, our fossil fuels are getting over slowly and the ozone layer is finally seeking a divorce with Earth for farting so badly, but what is this new green technology doing about it? You were asked to celebrate 'Earth Hour' and switch off your lights to show you 'truly' realize this impending disaster, but what happened after that? You got back to your normal life and stopped thinking about it till your read this (ok a little exaggeration at times..)? The best thing that came out of it was some cool photography, showing the lights slowly go off and come on. That is about it!
Bloody hell, over here, frugality in switching off lights manually doesn't exist. You need sensor networks to do all this stuff for you. Its just become a new industry to fool more people! The progress is so slim, yet new products claiming all sorts of stuff keep coming out.

I admit, there are some nice things, like increased recycling importance in manufacturing that have become more prevalent, but what is the magnitude of money that has gone into research in this direction? All just because people in the developed countries fear that their place will become another Chennai (i'm so dead, all you chennai folks are gonna thrash me for this :| ).
Anyways, this was quite a long intermission and my Insomnium playlist has just gotten over, so adios, stay metal, promote bands like Insomnium instead of worry about your weather becoming a little warmer.


Nitish Vashishtha said...

i just read till the part,... about promoting insomnium.
maybe some other day when i have heard the band i'll continue :P

Raja said...

lol :P yes yes, the material in this post is very tough to grasp w/o hearing the epic music.

Supria Taluri said...

Chennai??!?!? Feel lucky you aren't anywhere in the UK!!! ll def murder you x(

Raja said...

:O when i go to india next time, i won't fly via uk :D

Nitish Vashishtha said...

Got bazzinga'ed for Insomnium >.<