Mar 22, 2010

Gateway To Hell

The second month of the two thousand and fifth year anno domini witnessed the much awaited LAN facility to every hostel room at the BITS-Pilani Goa campus become a reality. To a reader outside India, this would seem like a joke. But sadly, most engineering colleges in India couldn't offer such luxury to their students back then, and many don't even now. BITSAA, the alumni association of BITS-Pilani, pooled in to create a state-of-the-art Internet and LAN facility in Pilani and if my memory serves me right, I think they were partly responsible for the facility at Goa as well.
Anyways (its baffling how often I start a new para with this word :x), the seven months before that, students of the very first batch of the Goa campus didn't have much to do within the campus premises. Normal time-pass activities were limited to chitchat, TT, carrom and exploring Goa's beaches. All this was about to be overhauled by 100 mega bits per second LAN!

Getting straight to the subject, gaming took over the life of a good number of the students, with the RTS marvels Age of Empires/Mythology and the FPS masterpiece Counter Strike becoming a common sight in every wing. The junior batch landed in soon enough and forming gaming clans became a necessity. A bunch of fanatics and good buddies from the 2004 batch formed a clan called Gateway to Hell aka G+H, the naming credits going to Maali aka Hulk. Many people think I exaggerate the lifestyle we had in undergrad. Clocking in at least 8 hours of gaming every damn day, with peaks of 16 to 18 hours, the virtual life seemed a million times better than reality. Actually, reality and virtuality (which apparently isn't a word.. :-/) merged in such an abstruse fashion that I couldn't differentiate them. The junior batch were equally good at Counter Strike, with BRAS and @$ featuring in some epic clashes with us. And there were other awesome clans from our batch like O2, FyF, bmp, etc (my memory is short-lived..), but unlike most of the clans which kept changing their squads, ours was a stable lineup throughout the three years we played this gem of a game.

Strangely, I'm not able to remember how it all came about. Ani (maverick), Chaitu (sc/bozo) and I (kissofdeath), being from CS (expand it as you wish..) used to play AoM and Warcraft prior to CS, and we used to hangout a lot together. VPk (gay) was no where near the terror of the player he came to be when we all started. I still remember him camping a lot in the initial stages which used to atract a lot of banter! Somehow the joom lens of a sniper changed everything. Meanwhile, Giri (thu) and Tinku also joined in the addictive fun, and we became good buddies and we had a clan!

This pic courtesy Mohan aka Orange brings back so many fond memories!
Each one of us had a different style of approaching the game.
Mave was an all-out aggressive player with insane reflexes with the colt and ak-47;
Sc used to play as though he was in a real war situation, with a lot of intelligence and caution.
I loved the nutcase style of playing which is die/kill and type wtfwtf/yoyoyo and found nades and flashes to be more fun than guns at times.  
VPk became the famed sniper who didn't need to zoom at all, with the reflexes and attention to sound of a poaching tiger.  
Giri was a class act, he could do it all, rush/defend/camp/snipe/psycho modes and a famous thu-mode as well!
Tinku had the most unbelievable strafe gameplay (and many-a-time was invincible) and the ability to flash his teammates at will.
Mojo being one of our best buddies, became the self-appointed team manager in charge of all the press interviews. What he ended up doing is another story, best left untold here.

The discussions after a night of gaming were so much fun as well. Everyone boasting about their awesofuckin' skills and having a laugh at some of the n00by moments. The walks outside BH2 towards the cafeteria/mess, oh how much I miss those days..
We had our highs and lows, eventually getting raped by ju's and subju's :D, but the best part was the fun that came out of it. Sure, losing wasn't nice and we did get pissed sometimes, but then it was just a game and more of a reason to stomp n00bs in the pub play after a bad defeat!

To all the wonderful and friendly gamers and clans in BITS, to the dedicated servers that brought all the fun, to being the elite breakfast tasters in the morning, to the thousands of de_dust2 and awp_india clashes, to being sniped as you ran towards B from the ct spawn zone in de_dust2, to the yoyooyo and wtf ckfkn mkl bc m2l2 moments, to using new nicknames and revealing them only after some pr0 play, to all the friendships that came out of it, to memories worth reliving over and over again, Counter Strike and Valve, take a bow!


Unknown said...

yea kod im also a past of thnx for reminding of all those memories..can neva forget all those night outs n jhopdi sessions early in the morning...though one regret for me was we neva played u guys..really missing all those days :((

VPk said...

proest pic... Thanks to Orange! \m/ Miss those days OB!

Mannu said...

Sigh! Would you judge me if I tell you that this damn post almost embarrassed me when tears brewed in my eyes in a full class of training infront of my manager?!! :'(

Giri said...

Missing those days really :(

Giri said...

Thanx Raja for reminding the funny moments when we play together :)

Raja said...

=] lite, we would have been raped had we played you :P

_/\_ Orange ob!

Lol, really?! Oh my God, how babaaai?! and no I wouldn't judge you :) Cha, remember last sem, door open, we used to chat and play =) now i feel really sad :(

ob da, every passionate CS player will miss those days. just think of the friends you made through that game..

Achilles said...

awesomely well written :)
still remember 180 deg double headshot by vpk in inf
nd could u pplz elaborate on the thu mode ;)

Unknown said...

LOL.... why you want only it to be elaborated??

Raja said...

lol giri's thu mode is when he attempts to show off or do some awesome moves, which ends up as utter thu play, and gets the reaction "thu" "thuest" "thuestest"