And then there is the principal or dean or whatever his role was. The acting during the 'comic(?)' scenes was just yuck. If you have to act stupid, don't overdo it then for fcuks sake.
How many times will you drop your pants in a movie? Good Lord, thankfully, they didn't make Kareena do that, or I might have puked.

Whats with using all the e-mail forwards as jokes? Seriously, is it so tough to come up with funny stuff or have script-writers just stopped thinking? The million$ pen v/s pencil, putting your exam paper randomly in a pile coz the prof doesn't know your name (duh..), the crap just kept piling on. The speech modification was nice, but then over-repetition killed it. I have to admit, I absolutely despise Kareena which becomes yet another reason to dislike this movie. Her 'sister' in the movie was way hotter :-/
Oh yeah, what's with the baby kicking every goddamn time someone says 'Aal eez well'? They just overdid it the whole time.
The job interview, Oh c'mon! Seriously, give some practicality to it.
The songs weren't that good either barring the first one. The only thing I liked about the movie was the scenic pics during the journey :-/ College stories might have become a good selling point, but this one was utter fail in my opinion. Many people might say, you shouldn't try to focus on the stupidity in the movie. If they wanted to make a hilariously stupid movie, why try to depict it with seriousness then?
I expected a much better movie, especially given the amount of earned-hype Aamir gets.
Happy Days, a telugu movie was way better. That at least brought back college memories :-/
3i = intolerably idiotic iMovie
i could add several more words in the same line of thought, but lets just leave it at the movie was NOT new/different/unexpected. all nodes can be traced back to a 'typical' hindi movie script.
The movie is nothing but a list of flawed, senseless scenes wrapped in sugar syrup of 'hindi' cinema.
I tried my best to like it, but each minute it got worse.
When will i see a movie of Dev D level again in indian cinema!?! when will we get to say,"oh man, that movie was as good as the Dark Knight or Shawshank Redemption!" ?
yo.. dont be frontin mate.. it wasnt half as bad as u make it sound.. sure, some of the jokes weren't remotely original n some were predictable.. but it was a good laugh n i even shed a few tears.. in the end, its a movie n its jus entertainment.. on a value for money basis it was wayyyy better than avatar.. n to all the retorts to that: up yerr arse!
couldn't be better... over rated movie...
Alex, as i said in fb, your taste differs greatly from mine. And saying Avatar sucks and 3i was good is the biggest bullcrap I've heard in recent times.
good one Goa. Feels good to know..I am not alone in not-liking the movie even one bit. The movie - just all hype, no original substance....
I haven't seen the movie 3 idiots fully but I can assure that Avatar is a terrible movie from a story stand point as well. Considering how ridiculously retarded old movie scenes were just remade in this new graphics system that was made for this movie. But on a technical point of view, Yes the movie is good. But other than that it is nothing better than Vettaikaran.
@envy, hmm, i'd refrain from commenting on hindi movies in general, i'm not anywhere near an avid movie watcher, so.. but even in tried to like it, but after a point (when the baby kicked for all is well) i couldn't take it anymore. i forgot to add this to the post though. when it comes to humour, its tough to match that of the american sitcoms. the class of jokes there makes some of 3i's stuff look so worthless.
@manoj, glad you agree ;)
@rohit, :D
@sorcus, I agree avatars storyline was plain old shit, but the graphics stole the show; just imba.
i agree.. 3 idiots sucked.. i always had a high opinion of aamir khan.. but now well, i hope his next movie is good..
n yeah avatar was bad too.. the supercool effects were eye catching only for a few minutes..
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