The good ol' days. How I wish I could get back to my first day as an undergrad! Flocks of students from across India (ok little exaggeration here, purely gults + illads population :P), who mugged the living hell out of their 12th standard textbooks, with big dreams in 180 acres of land. Here I am, more than five years later, realizing that those big dreams were just dreams at the end of the day. One of my best friends describes the BITS saga as a four year vacation. How true! After a decade of being the sincere school going student, its amazing how you can change before you even realize it. I
lol at myself when I think back to the day I got the MSc Chemistry admit. Chemistry was my pet subject in school and though I loved computers, I'd always thought about inventing a way to dispose plastic in an 'earthly manner'. This is what happens when you're slogging your rear off for so many entrance exams at such a tender age. You lose sight of reality. To hell with the education system.
Anyways, the reason I got into writing this post was the new feeling towards holidays. Back in school, summer holidays were the most awaited thing. No more classes yipee! In college, any day of the year was a holiday. Speaking to the same fun loving people now, either working or in grad skool, there is a new found essence in holidays. There is a new meaning in going back home and staying with family, meeting old friends and reliving some of the past. A week back, I went to a guitar shop for the obvious, and ended up chatting with the owner. He mentioned his brother being senior VP of a big corporation, earning truck loads of money, wanting to quit because of the sheer work stress, and himself, earning a middle class income with a lot more freedom in life.

Its something that keeps coming back to my mind every now and then.
Why does work life have to be so hectic or so mundane and boring?
Why can't we try to enjoy everything we do or do what we enjoy for a living?
Why is it so difficult to find what you like?
Comic pic taken from
I quote Socrates- "Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty."
Can't write much. I tried, but backspaced it all. I'd love it if I can get an answer for your last question. Maybe I answered it when I quoted Socrates above.
kol is more confusing than kod :D
Lol, i don't really know what the topic of my post has to do with the content.. as usual, when you're sleep deprived, the brain works in strange ways and this is a result of it =)
hmm, i never really understood the definition of luxury in socrates words :-/
The more we think about it, the more philosophical we get. Maybe it's not the right time to think so much. Or maybe it is. :-O
I quote Bertrand Russel now- "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, most do."
This one's easy I guess :P and btw, I know why you are sleep deprived. You listen to insomnium so much.
Insomnium =/= Insomniac :) You should try their music!
Just found out on Wikipedia that insomnium = nightmare; That makes my argument even stronger! lol i just got lucky (after i finish posting this, i'm heading to google's homepage and clicking on the I'm-feeling-lucky button there)
Alright, I'll listen to insomnium only if you can guarantee that I won't be even half as sleep deprived as you are/were/will be. :P
And this time I'll quote Randy Pausch- "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."
BTW, I highly recommend "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. Both, the book and the video. It's on youtube. You'll absolutely love it.
when i opened this page i thought you were talking to yourself until i read the second comment..anyways..nice post
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